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My Teaching Style

My name is Chris Teacher and I love Language!

I am from the West Coast of the USA

But since 2015, I have travelled the world

teaching Language to students who are just like you!

I have studied Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and more!

But my favorite language to study is English


And I want you to love English as much as I do!

Keep reading to learn more about your English Teacher! 

Chris Teacher's Philosophy

What makes an English class amazing?

1. Meaningful Communication

When you speak your native language, you use it for a purpose! 

You share opinions, solve problems, tell stories, and connect with people

English classes should be just like real life, too!

I believe in giving my students the vocabulary and language skills they need, and then setting them free to apply their skills in realistic, meaningful, activities


2. Language Skills Made Simple 

In your English classes, you had to deal with many challenging terms:

"subordinating conjunction,"  "past perfect simple," "indefinite article"

It can feel like such a headache sometimes!

Learning English does not have to be difficult!

I believe in teaching language skills in a way that gives you clues

for how to use them in communication

This way, language skills can be fun to learn and more useful in real life

3. Projects You Can Be Proud Of!

I believe that English students should end a class with projects that give them results that they can see.

Instead of a just "grade" in a class or a "score" on a test,

my students end their courses with a "portfolio" of real work that they created 

so that you can take pride in your language journey!

A Student of Linguistics:
The Science of Language


Master's Degree in Applied Linguistics

University of Massachusetts, Boston

September 2022 - Present

I research the "communicative approach" to Language teaching (CLT), how language is used in society (sociolinguistics), and effective ways to teach a variety of types of academic and business writing. (Genre-Based Writing Teaching) 


Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics

August 2013 - May 2015

California State University, Long Beach

I studied the main features of languages: pronunciation, word-sentence building, and language use. I also studied the History of English, Education Across Cultures, and Language and Discrimination. 

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