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Business English

Master the International Workplace

Apply your skills to succeed in your global career


Meetings & Events

Presentations & Writing


with authentic topics, tasks, & activities

to become a workplace problem-solver


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Networking Group

Beginner Business English

Build Networks with English

Describe your work and your company

make arrangements, and give presentations

You can confidently succeed at work, at events, and on the phone!

Market Leader

Activities that develop your problem solving skills

Class 1: Discover Words and Share Experiences

Learn the business language and apply it to your experiences

Class 2: Expand our Experience with Industry Experts

Deepen our discussion of the workplace with expert interviews and readings from The Financial Times

Class 3: Business Communication Skills 

Develop our Business skills: Meetings, Presentations, & Networking to master our workplace situation 

Class 4: Activities With Workplace Problem-Solving 

Negotiate with Suppliers, Present Strategies, Plan Events, & more!

Class 5: Create Business Writing You Can Be Proud of!

Create a relevant document to show the results of your project

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